Photos of February 23, 2025 Pancake Breakfast Preparedness Skills Fair
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Continue reading →Sunday February 23, 2025 Share: Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
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Continue reading →Seattle Emergency Communications hubs will practice helping our neighbors on Saturday June 1st. See below for details of the event in Broadview. Share: Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
Continue reading →While community members enjoyed a hot breakfast and live music, volunteers from Broadview Prepares passed out preparedness information and fielded questions. The Wheel of Misfortune was a big hit with over 50 spins by the kids in attendance – a … Continue reading →
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Continue reading →On Saturday, September 30, volunteers from Broadview Prepares staffed a table at BOB (Bite of Broadview) answering questions and passing out information. Share: Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Print for later Bookmark in Browser Tell a friend
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Continue reading →Broadview is taking part in a city-wide Emergency Hub practice at Luther Memorial Church parking lot 13047 Greenwood Ave N on Sunday, June 11, 2023 1:30 – 4 pm. This year’s mock scenario is an extensive power outage lasting for … Continue reading →